Of course that means I have to actually get the thing in the mail. Which I firmly mean to do, but I'm full of good intentions that fizzle out on the way to completion. My desk drawer is even now crammed with assorted things I keep meaning to mail out to various Buffistas and there's a half dozen thank-you notes sitting at home waiting patiently for their stamps (and I owe the Buffista gift corps notes, and my aunt, and my dad's friend whom I hadn't laid eyes on in eleven years but who sent us a gigantic crystal punch bowl).
In short, I suck. But I FULLY INTEND to send you
Iron Giant,
and I think that with this very post I may have successfully guilted myself into guaranteeing I actually do so.
JZ, I do the same thing, so don't fret. I'm going home this weekend to see my parents, and I am also goig to shamelessly rifle my sister's DVD collection (see! I'm all fiscally responsible) and her book collection, so I have movies in my future.
Iron Giant is Brad...oh, what is is name. Brad Bird? The guy who's winning the crapload of awards for The Incredibles. It's a fantastic movie.
Brad Bird was at CalArts about the same time as Tim Burton and John Lasseter (head of Pixar).
I loved Iron Giant, even though I saw it under less-than-desirable circumstances. I spilled boiling water on my foot. (I know. No one is surprised.) I sat down in front of the television with my foot in cold water and found that the Cartoon Network was showing The Iron Giant all day for reasons that were not clear to me. I watched it several times. It's a very therapeutic movie.
I feel the need to share that the commercial for The Pacifier was just on TV, and yet again I laughed at it.
Brad Bird was at CalArts about the same time as Tim Burton and John Lasseter (head of Pixar).
What a talented class.
The Pacifier looks so incredibly stupid. And yet that little girl screaming "LAND!" never fails to crack me up. It's so perfect. But I suspect that it's only perfect in the trailer, and that in the movie they'll let the edits go on for longer, and thus screw with the rhythm.
And now I'm off to go watch "Shall We Dance." You guys may all wait with held breath until I come back to let you know how it was.
I watched Décalage horaire (Jet Lag) last night - a frothy little romantic comedy starring Jean Reno and Juliette Binoche. Not high art, but fun and French and pretty. I adore watching Mr. Reno work, and Ms. Binoche as luminous as ever.
Anyway. We'll see The Aviator or Motorcycle Diaries tonight, so I'll have a Serious Movie to talk about soon enough.
I cross-posted this in Natter, since I'd mentioned the security thing there earlier.
So, the reason we had tons of security tonight-- bag search and wanding-- was because we saw "Be Cool," and the studio is very concerned about piracy. However, it was awesome, and hilarious. And a movie I probably never would have chosen to go see, so that was great. Surprising comedic genius? The Rock. He stole the show. In a movie filled with people trying to steal every scene from each other.
So, yeah. Go see "Be Cool." It's funny.