The CITIZEN KANE is blatant (and admitted), but where do you get the CASABLANCA in it?
You know, I used to be able to specifically point out where I get the Casablanca stuff from, but it's been months since I last watched it. Time for a rewatch.
And no, Hec, I'm not getting it just from 2HB.
On rewatch the Pretty always lets me down a bit in that Christian Bale is so detached and cold in the framing story when he's hotness incarnate, whereas all his sexual awakening scenes are done wearing an escaped Kristy MacNichol mullet.
Yet despite the MacNichol mullet and the really appalling clothing, he manages to have the single hottest sexual scene I've ever seen in a movie all to himself.
Point. I'd imagine there were people on set that day looking sideways at each other and whispering "He's not actually...?"
HHGTTG trailer.
With actual people. So it answers some questions upthread.
My speakers have chosen exactly NOW to crap out on me (they were working half an hour ago), so I can't hear it, but I like the look.
I think I'm as excited about this as I was about FotR.
so I can't hear it, but I like the look.
There's very little dialogue, so you're not missing much.
They're trying to sell it as an action film instead of a comedy, though, which I think is a mistake.
They're trying to sell it as an action film instead of a comedy, though, which I think is a mistake.
They're pulling a Hudson Hawk.
I was JUST talking about that movie (and the marketing thereof) at sushi with ND on Monday.
Or they've turned HHGttG into an action movie which would be worse.
I was JUST talking about that movie (and the marketing thereof) at sushi with ND on Monday.
Ah, synchronicity.
Or they've turned HHGttG into an action movie which would be worse.
Hmm... the visuals seemed to retain the humor (Arthur bumping his head, Zaphod's... additions, that large woman Ford was talking to).
I definitely got comedy from the trailer--not as dry as the comedy in the book, but hard to get that tone into a trailer.
I haven't seen any early reviews express outrage at a genre switch, so I think it's a trailer thing.