The problem with Cinderella Man is that it doesn't seem Renee Zelleweger is going to be punched repeatedly in the face during the film.
Ha! DH (who'd seen this trailer already) was cracking up watching my face light up at Russell Crowe and Paul Giamatti, and then crumble at Renee. It's just mean to put her in the trailer so late.
So, if anybody else was watching the Superbowl tonight, did you catch the previews for 'War of the Worlds' and 'Batman'?
Very exciting and very pretty!
Yes! The new Batmobile looks sweet, and
War of the Worlds
has lots of destruction.
So freakin' cool!
Did I say I was excited about them?
I am.
Million Dollar Baby
was very good, I thought, if a little overblown and perhaps drawn out at spots. Clint Eastwood does not deserve Paul Giamatti's Oscar nom, though.
When I came out of
my overall impression was, Wow, that was a movie about men and their inner boys. I think both of the female roles were thin and a bit stereotyped (I mean, really. Confessing to a stripper? Why can't men in shambles ever end up confessing to a clerk at Filene's?), especially in comparison to the men's roles, which were quite rich and often surprising.
You found Dan rich or surprising? I thought Alice was way more interesting. He was a stock romantic type, predictable every step of the way.
My conclusion was that Alice was unknowable -- she even told the truth in a way that nobody could tell it was the truth. She was intriguing, but in that way (for me) that ends up being all from the outside. I never got into her head.
Whereas Dan I recognized. Moreso, the messier and more foolish he got; but I did get under his (relatively shallow) skin before the end.
I violently disliked closer on many levels - it so badly wanted to be tough and Mametty but Marber doesn't have the chops at all. And although Clive Owen was good, it's the exact same performance he's been doing since Chancer which was almost 20 years ago.
See, I don't think he wanted to be Mametty. More late Pinter, if anything. The only Mametty part of it was the liberal use of "fuck" and the fact that the men got to have all the emotions.