I don't usually mind the previews just the Coke, Fanta, Marine recruitment, and Buick commercials before the previews.
I like the Fanta ones because the cheesiness and bright colors and clothes make me feel like I've been transported to 1960s Italy. Plus, most catchy jingle ever. But car and military commercials make me feel like demanding my money back and waiting til the movie comes out on DVD.
That Fanta ad gives me rage-inducing hives. I hate it so very, very much.
I like the Levi's ad where the guy with the great ass tames the car. And Mr. Inconsiderate Cellphone Man.
I like previews until it gets towards the end of the month, at which point I've memorized the Loews reel and need to see something new. Fortunately, we're moving to a neighborhood within walking distance of a Regal and an independent theatre, so this will be less of a problem.
I hate hate hate ads in front of movies. The reason we have commercials on TV is because we don't pay admission to TV (thus, in theory, cable channels shouldn't show commercials). When I've paid $12 to see a movie, I don't need to watch advertising.
Previews are usually my favorite part of going to the movies, though...guess that means the potential of a movie is often better than its reality.
is an awesome and very wrong movie.
When I've paid $12 to see a movie, I don't need to watch advertising.
This. Though I might make an exception for something closely tied to the movie. Say, an ad for the TTT DVD among the previews for ROTK.
Might make an exception.
an ad for the TTT DVD among the previews for ROTK.
An ad for something that involves watching movies at home instead of in the theatre? It may be a while.
When I've paid $12 to see a movie
Holy--I won't pay more than $7 for a first-run movie. Benefits of being in a backwater, I guess. I don't think I've ever seen a movie I'd be willing to pay that much for.
I hate ads at the theater. I like going to the second run theater because there are fewer ads.
What I really hate are ads on dvds that can't be skipped and have to be fast forwarded through. The AvP dvd had a bunch.
Mr. Inconsiderate Cellphone Man is my secret celebrity boyfriend.
Mr. Inconsiderate Cellphone Man is my secret celebrity boyfriend.
You have such a twisted side. Your perversity is almost Ple-vian.