one sight of his face makes me think "Back to the Future, UGH!" and change the channel by reflex.
I'm sorry. That is SOO wrong. Seriously, listen to "Automanipulator" by Crispin Hellion Glover and that won't be what you're thinking. I'd well nigh guarantee it.
I crushed out on Crispin Glover when I saw
River's Edge
at 16. He played a maniac as I recall, but I loved him. I can't believe he turned out so wacky.
I love Crispin Glover. I'm sorry I don't have quicktime.
I'll admit he was perfect casting for the Willard remake though.
....what to say, what to say....
Bill Murray movies:
Caddyshack; Tootsie; Ghostbusters (both times); What About Bob; Groundhog Day
Steve Martin movies:
The Jerk; The Man With Two Brains
("Oh pointy bird, pointy pointy
"Anoint my head, anointy-nointy");
LA Story; All of Me; Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
("Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma!")
I need to see Phantom. I just do.
In the early '90s I saw Crispen Glover do some weird multimedia presentation at First Avenue in Minneapolis. I don't remember much of it, but I liked it.
Crispen is cool, despite being crazy. I'll probably go see that movie....
In the early '90s I saw Crispen Glover do some weird multimedia presentation at First Avenue in Minneapolis. I don't remember much of it, but I liked it.
I think I was the same tour. Was there a slideshow, and then a movie where he was obsessed with Xanadu?
Except I hated it.
There was a slideshow. Possibly a movie. I don't remember the Xanadu part - perhaps I repressed it.
This would have been sometime after the fall of 94, when I moved back from BC.
The thing I saw was before that - sometime between '90 and mid '93.