I can't not watch Footloose, ever. Footloose was why I bought my first TV, just in case someone was broadcasting it within reach.
Which actually brings up another category of movie: good movies you've seen umpteen times that you have to watch if you come across them while surfing.
Groundhog Day
was my number one for a long time, but it hasn't been where I've been surfing so much lately.
The Freshman
often caught me trying to go by it.
The Princess Bride, natch.
Oh, yeah. Can't forget TPB.
At some point I'd like to spend an evening watching Underworld followed by Van Helsing. Or vice versa. With lots and lots of margaritas. I haven't seen Brotherhood of the Wolf, yet, but it sounds like it could contribute to a fun triple feature.
Which actually brings up another category of movie: good movies you've seen umpteen times that you have to watch if you come across them while surfing.
The Princess Bride, Beetlejuice, both Addams Family movies, Nightmare Before Chrismas, Pretty in Pink.
good movies you've seen umpteen times that you have to watch if you come across them while surfing.
Princess Bride
Star Wars
Breakfast Club
There's more, I know there is.....
I never watch
The Princess Bride
when I come across it, because I don't like the broadcast edits.
I haven't seen Brotherhood of the Wolf, yet, but it sounds like it could contribute to a fun triple feature.
I am one of the few that liked
Van Helsing,
but I gotta step up and say that
Brotherhood Of The Wolf
is way better.
Kalshane, every time we see that vampire in that scene, it reminds of the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark which was supposed to be a duel. Only Ford was deathly ill and just pulled out his pistol and shot the guy.
I never thought of it that way, but I can see it. But at least the guy Indy shot looked like he might actually have been a threat.
And now, with the talk of bad sword and sorcery flicks, I'm suddenly reminded of catching part of one that blatantly ripped off the Indy bit, though in that case I think the hero's sword had a blade the launched out of it that did the deed.
Also, wasn't there a very short-lived sword and sorcery TV series (it may have even been the title) in the 80's? I seem to recall watching it with my parents. I only have vague recollections. Something about the heroes fighting an invisible dragon (and needing to stab it between the eyes to kill it) and some acrobat chick flubbing a tightrope walk and falling into a "bottomless pit".
Which actually brings up another category of movie: good movies you've seen umpteen times that you have to watch if you come across them while surfing.
The Princess Bride, Grosse Point Blank, the original Star Wars trilogy, The Shawshank Redemption, a few others that I can't think of now but will undoubtably grab me next time I'm flipping channels.
I can't talk about this film without mentioning that it contains one of my favorite matchs cut of all time, second only to 2001's "CHECK OUT MANKIND'S AWESOME TOOLS!" moment.
My favorite match cut was in the Gary Oldman version of Dracula, when someone's head was lopped off, and the match cut went to Anthony Hopkins carving a roast at the dinner table.