True. I think that the writing was for that kind of cheesy effects film, so the ACTING just kind of fit in for me, especially since it was offset by the wonderfullness that was Burgess Meredith.
IMO, a movie that tries to be something more and hires ACTORS but fails to create an interesting plot is a bigger failure than the cheesy flick. I'm thinking about something as horrendously bad as The Road to Wellville, which is my reference point for Really Bad "A" Film, and one that I have no desire whatsoever to endure again.
I'm thinking about something as horrendously bad as The Road to Wellville, which is my reference point for Really Bad "A" Film, and one that I have no desire whatsoever to endure again
Oh god. I think the only reason that one doesn't usually make my Worst Five list is because I turned it off about 30 minutes in. (As opposed to Sim0ne, which I saw in theatres and stayed for the whole two hours. Which I will never, ever get back.)
But I totally agree with you -- there's something so much worse about a colossal failure with pretensions than there is about something that aspires to be mediocre and ends up just being bad.
I can't stop watching a bad sword and sorcery film.
Oh! Oh! Red Sonja. Now there's a mesmerizingly bad movie.
I think the only reason that one doesn't usually make my Worst Five list is because I turned it off about 30 minutes in.
God, I regret watching that movie. My husband swore to me that it was funny, but I think he'd changed his mind by the time it was over.
And yet I recall no mention of it in Campbell's book (the name of which also escapes me at the moment, but has something to do with his chin). I feel cheated.
What I find sad and disappointing is watching a movie I can't stand with an actor/director/producer/whathaveyou I absolutely adore, and yet the movie is so tortured that I can't stand to watch the entire thing, despite my love for the abovementioned. Fortunately, with cable and DVDs, one can avoid watching in the theater if one is at all concerned about the previously mentioned sadness and disappointment.
Gandalfe and I brought home the tv series (not the miniseries) of V home from the library a coupla weeks ago, and didn't get through the first episode before giving up in disgust. I remember loving the miniseries, but I was also a teenage Reaganite when it came out, so my judgement was not all it perhaps should have been.
And speaking of loving egregiously bad stuff, I was a total fangirl for Gil Gerard and the Buck Rogers series. Even unto the point of doing a spoof skit of it at girls' camp. *cringe*
I watched
Charlie's Angels 2
last night in some kind of prescient anticipation of this topic. Also
Club Dread,
although I think that is more defensible.
Not only did I see Road to Wellville in the theaters, but I treated my mom as well, and it was the full-price tickets, and I was only making $20K a year at the time, which made the whole experience even worse for me. I walked out of the theater apologizing to my mom, telling her that I thought it was supposed to be a better film that that.
Bruce Campbell's book is called "If Chins could Kill". Yes, I own it, though
I'm not so much a fan that I've seen the film discussed above.(Bubba
HoTep is on its way to me from Netflix, though)