I'm excited for that too, Erin.
I just saw Elektra. It was okay. I'm not demanding my money back or anything, but I'm not real sure what the point of the movie was. For instance, why is the treasure important? If that other girl, Typhoid, was a treasure, well, she was killed easily enough, and none of her "kills" were permanent. What was so special about her? I was okay with the little girl dying, pretty much, and I don't think I should have been. It would've been sad, but I would have gotten over it. She was a pain in the butt, and if they hadn't kept telling me she was special, I definitely would not have known. I mean, she wasn't even that good at martial arts. So, I just didn't get it. Also, why didn't Elektra stay with her new friends? It seemed the point was she had now made a connection, and then she says that they'll find each other. But why? There's no need to find each other, when they're all in the same room together. They can make plans. That's what's great about face to face contact. And what was with the pool thing? Why did she have to keep doing that? Was she a treasure, too? Did her dad train her? And if they were going to keep doing the swimming thing, then why not have it be used later? I think she should have needed to swim for some reason in the final fight. Like, her hands could be tied, and then they should have knocked her down the well. And then all of the swimming stuff would have been paid off, when she could get out of it without using her hands. There just really was no point to anything done in the movie.
I don't know. It wasn't bad. It was just far from great. Or sensical.