Topher Grace bit was good.
He shows up again? Love him.
May I share a SQUEE? The man playing Hornbeck in our production of Inherit The Wind went to college with and was/is good friends with Alan Tudyk. I got to hear rowdy college stories about Alan Tudyk!
A small and silly joy, I know, but my crush on Mr. Tudyk took an exponential leap after seeing him in Dodgeball.
my crush on Mr. Tudyk took an exponential leap after seeing him in Dodgeball.
So did mine. And I didn't even really like the movie.
I got to hear rowdy college stories about Alan Tudyk!
And you're not going to share?
Must visit SF someday during noir festival season.(In general, basically...that would just be the frosting on the cake. Or the whiskey with the cigarette.)
I'm about to finish up the second season of Forever Knight and I'm struck by two things.
1) I'm apalled...apalled, I say...that I actually like the fashions. It must be a disease.
2) Geriant Wyn Davies is (while sweet and a cutiepie) the smoochin'-est, smilin-est vamp ever. Care Bear Caligula?
New coma inducing drinking game: Every time Nick Knight plants one on Nat, the Cap'n, random street urchins...drink. Every time he stares off into flashback distance...drink.
Also? Designate a thinker.
OK, I'm just a big Soderbergh fangirl, but I really liked Ocean's Twelve.
I liked it too. Although that might be because of how much other reviewers and friends talked it down. I thought it was going to be horrific, but instead it was just a few hours of eye candy (but it was a little too long, and the look alike thing was incredibly stupid.)
Also, (and this is going to sound mean) did anyone else think that Julia Roberts looked absolutely horrible? It was almost distracting.
I think she literally didn't have any makeup on. I was staring, trying to figure out what it was, and that was all I could come up with.
In addition to that, she looked WAY thinner and more angular than she usually does to me.
Ah, but Beej, cutie Davies was nice eyecandy, and Nigel Bennett's LaCroix (and voice!) was all the evil Forever Knight needed.
Also, (and this is going to sound mean) did anyone else think that Julia Roberts looked absolutely horrible? It was almost distracting.
Yeah, but she already looked terrible in O11.