No you don't want them in it? Or no, you don't want them to have any part of it?
Didn't Brad buy the rights to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and that's how this movie got made? (Honest question. I'm only half recalling a vague conversation about it.)
I definitely would not watch them in it. Not that I have a particular hate-on for either of them, but IMO they are all wrong for a movie adaptation of the book.
My s-i-l told me that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston bought the movie rights to The Time-Traveler's Wife.
IMO they are all wrong for a movie adaptation of the book.
I haven't read the book, so I'm working on less information, but I do have to stand up for Brad, who has never stopped surprising me with his talent and choices. It may wind up not being as bad a match as people might think. Plus they might just want to produce it, and let other people star in it, so there's that, too.
I have liked Brad Pitt in many movies, and I think Jennifer Aniston has done some good work too. And if they are only producing, then I have no objections. But I stand firm in my opinion that neither of them would be right to play the two main characters in the book. I don't think either of them has the gravitas needed to pull it off.
I think I may have to read this book.
Also, nice tag Kate.
I loved the book and cannot see either Brad or Jennifer in those parts.
However, if they bought the rights in order to produce it -- that's a different story.
Oh, Sean, you must read TTW! It's so good.
Also, nice tag Kate.
Thanks! It's from a show that KristinT and I went to see in New Haven a few weeks ago,
The Mystery of Irma Vep.
(For posterity: "Virginity is the balloon in the carnival of life. It vanishes with the first prick.")
Virginity is the balloon in the carnival of life. It vanishes with the first prick.
Oh, that's marvellous.
DH and I saw no movies in theatres this weekend, but we did catch Goodbye Lenin on DVD, and it was really very good. Less comic/absurd than we were expecting, and more of a quiet family drama. Very worth watching if you have the time.
Is that the Guy Maddin movie Irma Vep? I haven't seen it, but I've heard very good things.
Ooh, I'd like to see that [edit: Goodbye, Lenin]. I saw
last night and enjoyed it. I'm not sure it hung together as a movie all that well, but I thought the subject matter was fascinating. I have to wonder how realistic it is as a portrayal of the man named Alfred Kinsey (especially with regards to how completely the topic of sex overtook his whole life), and there were a couple of plot elements--namely the dynamics of his family, especially his children--that were forgotten about almost as soon as they were introduced, which was a little frustrating. And Tim Curry was pretty much wasted in his role. On the other hand, William Sadler's bit was incredible, and the
Liam Neeson/Peter Sarsgaard kiss
was as fabulous as foretold. On the whole, I'm glad I saw it.