Well, I enjoyed it but I didn't find myself really drawn into the story. Ziyi was the best thing about the movie - great performance and see above re: that beauty thing. I liked Hero better, which I know is a minority opinion.
Cool. That's what I'm curious to here because I thought HERO was just about the best film I saw last year, so it's going to be hard to beat.
There are a few I haven't seen yet (SIDEWAYS, THE INCREDIBLES), but the only thing that REALLY sticks out (I liked HELLBOY a lot, but it's not favorite movie material) is ...THE FUCKING CHARLIE KAUFMANN MOVIE I JUST BRAIN FARTED ON, DAMMIT!!!! IMMORTAL SUNSHINE...? ETERNAL SADNESS...? FRELL!!!!!
Anyway, glad to hear the new one is good.
muttermuttermutter and I LOVED that movie!!!!!
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
just opened here yesterday, and I'm hoping to catch it this weekend.
I always feel like a tool when I watch Wes Anderson's films. There was one Simpsons episode where Homer flipped through a Far Side calendar, saying "I don't get it...." at each page.
That's how Wes Anderson's films make me feel. I don't know what it is that I'm not getting, but I'm not getting it.
Frank, did you see Garden State?
>Is anyone but me excited about seeing Bad Education? Ah well.
I am! And I know I've brought it up in here at least twice, but I'm way too lazy now to threadsuck and find my posts.
Saw it a couple of weeks ago. Tons of fun. Gael Garcia Bernal = GUH. Twisty storytelling from Pedro Almovodar = double-GUH.
Yay! I was hoping you'd like it, Jessica.
Eternal Sunshine
is my pick for Best of 2004 too.
Frank, dude. You gotta see Sideways. That and Eternal Sunshine were my favorite movies of 2004. They are two very different movies stylistically, but the kind of bittersweet joy one feels at the end of Eternal Sunshine? Sideways has it in spades.
Still have not seen either Eternal Sunshine or Sideways. Feh.
Still have not seen either Eternal Sunshine or Sideways. Feh.
That's understandable. Movies hardly ever play where you live.
That's understandable. Movies hardly ever play where you live.
I *know*! What's up with that???
Oh, wait...
(I made a tangentially similar comment to my coworkers today. I came back from catching a bit of CNN in the cafeteria at lunch and said "Jeez, I really wish I was back in the Midwest today....
...Oh, wait. That's not what I meant to say at all. I *totally* meant to say I. Love. Los Angeles.")
Do not minimize the magnetic appeal of snow, especially if it's not too cold.