Last night Sue and I went to see Vera Drake. Not exactly a happy pre-Christmas, happy go lucky, got the yucks kind of film, but lovely nonetheless. The actress who played Vera was so very good.
The question I was left with at the end was what about Lily? She took 2 guineas from the women and then sold food and tea to Vera further increasing her profit. She was much more evil in my estimation.
I know that there were some
fans kicking around here. Does anyone know the song playing though the last scene off the top of their head? Only line I remember is "let's watch the flowers grow". I know I've heard it a zillion places before, too.
Could it be "Flowers in the Window" by Travis?
Lemme just check iTunes..Travis sounds right...
It is!!! Hooray!! Robin, you are wise.
I love that song like you have no idea. I made a mix CD for my parents of music I like that they would too (which is very hard to do with my tastes) and that was one of the tracks I chose. So pretty.
More Hitchhiker's stuff, courtesy of Ain't It Cool.
Also known as Wesley's DadBot!
(And the coach from The Cutting Edge.)
Heh. Thanks, Plei, for putting it in terms I'd understand.
And I like Dakota Fanning, too. She's a perky, giggly, adorable thing in interviews, and a very talented actress.
And Chow Yun Fat does nothing for me. I have nothing against him at all, but I also don't really get all the love for him either.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but it looks like Joss to direct Wonder Woman.
I have nothing against him at all, but I also don't really get all the love for him either.
Have you seen him in his classic HK movies, Alibelle? Like
A Better Tomorrow
Full Contact?
Nope. ita threatened to sit me down and make me watch a bunch of Hong Kong movies once. Or maybe it was just Bruce Lee movies. I don't really remember. That's the closest connection I can come up with to seeing HK movies, though.