and fans of the books might be bugged by him, though I haven't read them myself and can't swear by that.
The kids (10-ish, I think) behind me at the screening hated the changes from the book. They were complaining loudly the instant the (ohmigodsogorgeous) credit started to roll. (
"But she did sign with her left hand, that was the whole point! And they didn't even go on the airplane!!"
It was adorable.)
I thought Jim Carrey was near-unwatchable as Count Olaf. I can't say he ruined the film for me, because I thought that outside the production design, it was pretty pedestrian anyway, but he really needed to be reigned in. A lot.
There's going to be a Magneto spin-off.
Oh -- when I saw
Ocean's 12,
I saw a trailer for
It didn't look as bad as I expected, though they could have culled the only redeemable moments just for the trailer.
The next project for Wes Anderson and writer Noah Baumbach is a stop-motion animation adaption of Roald Dahl's The Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Also sounds like DOGMA.
Only if Connie were speaking facetiously. I wanted someone to ask Bartleby "OK, imagine you're at home on Sunday morning reading the paper in your robe and slippers. When you look up from the paper, who's sitting across the breakfast table from you?"
I really hope The Fantastic Mr. Fox doesn't get ruined but I don't hold out much hope.
I had a crush on Mr. Fox.
AICN has a rumor that Joss is being pursued to direct/write Wonder Woman.
How long before the Cast Charisma! cries?