How in god's name do you go possessive with that and not lose an eye?
Well, that's why they make you wear protective lenses. I mean, sure, if you say it, you can just duck, but if someone else says it? You're in danger. And if they type it, well, let's just hope you are wearing a high collar. 'S'all I'm sayin'.
Just watched Before Sunset.
What did you think of the ending? I really liked it, it kind of reminded me of Say Anything. (very vague spoiler)
With His Dark Materials, how will they deal with characters like the two angels if they remove religious content? From what I remember they weren't presented in an entirely positive light.
Well, positive, but I suspect their gayness might not play well in Utah.
Oh, I'm sure the writers'll pull an Achilles/Patroclus on us. But wasn't one of the angels kind of whiny and cowardly? I can't even remember what happened to the two of them in the end. Anyway, I guess I'm really just wondering how the film makers will deal with the domino effect of making God a Generic Authority.
Did the stage version retain the religious content?
Yes, it did. And the angels are kinda grumpy, then one dies futilely and the other sacrifices himself.
the angels are kinda grumpy, then one dies futilely and the other sacrifices himself.
Sounds sort of like
I suspect their gayness might not play well in Utah
I'm sure they're just good friends.
Hmmm, it says that Henri Ducard is an excellent detective and manhunter -- so where does the sword fighting on ice come into it?
(Were they just on ice, or were they on ice-skates?)
(Were they just on ice, or were they on ice-skates?)
I hope just on ice, because didn't we get enough stupid fights on ice skates with whichever bad one had Der Governator in it?
Umm, I never saw that. . . but if it's Christian Bale and Liam Neeson -- isn't it bound to be better?
(It looks good in the promo.)