As far as Hero is concerned, it was one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen. However, I do think it dragged a bit in parts.
It just seems funny to me how in a real Hong Kong movie they can milk the big moments, often over Cantopop, and the whole thing flows beautifully, and these mainland/mainstream things (Hero, Crouching Tiger) just don't keep things moving.
And it's not as if HK movies don't have their own beauty. Those moments are so plentiful Steven Chow once created an entrance: wind through his hair, and leaves swirling around his feet, all beautifully lighted. Then the camera pulled back to reveal the guys operating the fans! Yes, the character actually hired guys to do that.
Batman Begins trailer.
Dude. Sweet ass monkey. It's so unlike the previous movies. I didn't know Qui-Gon Jinn was in it.
Gimme movie!!!!
Yes, the character actually hired guys to do that.
Didn't Jackie Chan do that in Gorgeous?
I didn't think that the action dragged in CTHD, and didn't mind that it did in
Just watched Before Sunset.
Have enormous crushes on Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke. I mean, pretentious, greasy, screwing-Uma-over Ethan Hawke! Dude.
I really liked "Before Sunrise", but I think I liked this one even better. And who knew Julie Delpy had such a pretty singing voice? I mean, it's not a big voice, but oh, so pretty.
Wow, that
Batman Begins
trailer looks really good.
This reminds me that I read a story over on Zap2it some story about Kevin Spacey being considered for Lex Luthor.
Which would be okay, except that I want Lex and Clark to be closer in age.
Perhaps I've been overly influenced by
Lex will be old enough to be everyone's father. I expect Perry White to be played by Matt Damon.
Wow. Batman.
For real.
The "Where are you?"/"Here" bit was like a panel straight out of the comics.
The "Where are you?"/"Here" bit was like a panel straight out of the comics.
Reminded me of the first trailer for the first Batman (by Burton) movie where the key exchange was:
BadGuy: "Who are you?"
Batman: "I'm The Batman."
Crowd erupted in crazy cheers. I think the rubber suit innovation might've been a factor though.