I felt it was more of a hostility to a misapplication of religious faith--bits where certain characters undertake to do monstrous things after having been assured a sort of pre-forgiveness by punishing themselves brutally beforehand, that sort of thing. Granted, the whole Authority is given as an illegitimate power, not the actual Creator, so maybe I'm reaching for the sake of peacemaking.
I saw this coming. I'm not disappointed because I knew there was no way this movie was going to be made without scrubbing it down, so I had no expectation that the Church stuff would remain intact to begin with. That said, I think this movie can succeed in the story's main themes, which are more to do with love and growing up. That's what has to remain intact for this to be good.
I guess YAnti-ReligiousHostilityMV.
I was hoping that if it was British-made, they'd be less likely to sanitise that aspect of it than if it was American. The stage show made some changes, iirc, but that wasn't one of them.
AFI's top ten movies and TV shows for 2004: [link]
They're not ranked. Some of them don't seem quite right to me. I feel like they should have been able to find a better movie than Spider Man 2, for instance, which I thought was merely okay. But, whatever.
Touching the Void
a 2003 release? Or is this list only American films?
I don't recall seeing this posted here before. It is the teaser trailer for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
I am stunned. Must rewatch.
If this is old news, I'm sorry.
Hmmm, Johnny Depp as Willie Wonka is reminding me strangely of the guy from H.R. Pufinstuff. You know, the guy who had the talking flute.
Wow. Tim Burton and Roald Dahl: a marriage made in nightmare heaven. Eeeeks! And yet, strangely compelling.
From the teaser, anyway, it doesn't look different enough from the original movie to have been worth re-adapting the book. But hopefully the longer trailer will have some footage that convinces me otherwise.
From the teaser, anyway, it doesn't look different enough from the original movie to have been worth re-adapting the book. But hopefully the longer trailer will have some footage that convinces me otherwise.
I'm feeling the same way about Flight of the Phoenix.