That is confusing, Victor.
Though I think it is fair to say that Sarah and Katie are pretty equal on the fame scale. It is beginning to look like everybody is at a Sarah level of fame, and deserves a rise, or something, however.
Does Julia Roberts get a ranking?
Too beautiful for a MOVIE ACTRESS? Yeah, that really hurt the careers of Garbo, Kate Hepburn, Deborah Kerr, Julie Christie, and so many many others.
Here's the exact quote, by Anthony Lane:
All of which leaves Natalie Portman and Clive Owen to carry the show. Portman is becoming hard to cast: her beauty is by now so extreme that its sole purpose is the feeding of obsession. (George Lucas loads her with silly costumes and puddles of makeup, as if to wish the beauty away, to stop it from throwing his sexless galaxy out of whack.)
They just don't like her?
Since Gellar portrays the title character, the show obviously rests heavily on her diminutive shoulders, and she has inhabited it for six seasons with grace, humour, vulnerability, wit, confidence, and ass-kicking ferocity.
Gellar's audit is also from two and a half years ago. It's a snapshot, not a tracking poll.
I like Beautiful Girls far more than I should. It is completely a guilty pleasure.
It's a good movie, that. I don't think it's guilty pleasure material.
Portman is becoming hard to cast: her beauty is by now so extreme that its sole purpose is the feeding of obsession
Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Connelly seem to have survived.
I do find Natalie's beauty distracting. Never thought Nicole was that powerfully beautiful, and Jennifer Connelly has taken a remedy of her own.
I do understand the sentiment. To a degree, Jude Law better be a good actor, otherwise I just go into a fugue state.