What's the deal with Cars? I know I wasn't interested in The Incredibles based on promo material, but this looks more than uninteresting.
Yeah, I gotta say it seems like an uninspiring premise. But the key with Pixar (as with Mutant Enemy) is always in the execution rather than the high concept gloss.
Is the premise other than "cars go round and round"? I feel I may be missing a subtlety.
Is there Fantastic Four footage on the other side of that link? I heard a rumour, but work firewall policies won't let me look.
Oh! I also saw this:
Warner Bros. has confirmed that the long awaited trailer for Batman Begins will indeed debut next week on selected Blade Trinity prints and on all Oceans 12 prints
And I hadn't noticed there was a higher res version of the Batman teaser poster. Looks like his love handle has a groove.
Is there Fantastic Four footage on the other side of that link? I heard a rumour, but work firewall policies won't let me look.
The site says the downloads don't work, so no footage there.
his love handle has a groove
The title of a '70s disco hit?
And I hadn't noticed there was a higher res version of the Batman teaser poster. Looks like his love handle has a groove.
OK, seeing it blown up that big gives the unfortunate impression that Batman is looking down in embarrassment at how happy he is to see Catwoman or Talia.
prints of Ocean's Twelve, huh?
Is the premise other than "cars go round and round"?
I'm 99% certain that the movie will not center around the racecars, but around the more humanized "audience" characters. They did get most of the teaser-space, after all. I think the racecar scene was supposed to be funny - the equivalent of an action movie to cars would be, after all, a dangerous race. I guess.
The plotline outline on IMDB is much different from "cars go round and round." It is:
A collection of classic automobiles set out for adventure on Route 66.
Basically? All I'm taking from the teaser is "This movie is about anthropormorphic cars." Much like I took from
The Incredibles
trailer: "This movie is about superheroes, probably past their glory."
Oh, also from the teaser? "This movie is by Pixar. Those people who have yet to make a movie you didn't thoroughly enjoy. Usually at least twice."
See, that kind of irritates me.
The trailers and posters for
The Incredibles
turned me off the movie, in honesty. Ecstatic word of mouth is what got me in. I have liked the Pixar movies I've seen, but I don't trust any house sufficient to expect to like
I will wait, roll my eyes at the promo stuff that will stretch out for
over a year,
and eventually there will be more word of mouth, and I'll judge on that.