Where the cute lead guy came over all fangy whenever he got grindy with the girl. I've been all over netflix and imdb.
Assuming you're not taking the piss and meaning BtVS, might I suggest the pant-wettingly awful Vampire High?
I think Don Cheadle would be a good James Bond,
A resounding no. I think Don Cheadle is a cracking actor, and v. cute, but the risible Dick Van Dyke accent he did in Ocean's Eleven absolutely rules him out as Bond. I'm sure he could be a ballsy action hero with panache and wit and all that stuff, but he's really not Bondish, imho.
Colin Salmon isn't just a bloody good actor, he's a bloody good actor with the gravitas and the quintessential Britishness and Bondishness going on already - he can totally do this. He'd make an excellent Bond. I don't know if it'll happen, because the notion of British=posh and white is deeply ingrained in USAians, and multicultural Britain isn't really what they want to buy, as far as I can see. But maybe that's changing gradually. I hope so. I was delighted that Bend it Like Beckham did so well in the US - maybe there's getting to be more of a realisation that British doesn't just mean pink and posh. I'd love to see Salmon as Bond.
(The notion of Englishness/Scottishness/Welshness/Irishness is very blurry for non-Brits, so the fact that most of these 'English' actors who've played Bond aren't English is neither here nor there - they're still British, and most non-Brits use English and British interchangeably. Hell, so do most English people.)
edited to add:
Emotionally I agree with Jimi re: employing British actors. However, it's true enough that I'm always 'Yay! Go Team!' whenever I see a Brit playing Americans in American movies. Upon reflection I agree that if the actor really is good enough for the part, then the accent and background and whatever that they have when they're being themselves is neither here nor there. (I'd be cool with Denisof as Bond, for example, because quite apart from being one hell of an actor and utterly shaggable to boot, he can do the accent and he lived here for years - he understands that England isn't some Victorian pastiche of tea and scones and this informs his acting.)