A traditional martini is iced, because traditionally you don't keep your vodka/gin in the freezer, so you have to ice it to cool it. You remove the ice from the mixed drink as soon as possible, generally by straining it.
See The Straight Dope: [link]
Off-topic, is anyone else horrified by the wastefulness of Flexplay?
Yes. I hated the idea the last time it was suggested, too, by whatever-the-weird-DVD-company was. "recycle" my great Aunt Savannah.
On an Aaron Sorkin show? Never!
Snerk. You know, this almost ruined Thespis for me this time 'round.
I was torn out of the story by my mind going, "But... why is the script using symptoms typical of an abruption and calling it previa?"
It's been bugging me for a week.
traditional martini is iced, because traditionally you don't keep your vodka/gin in the freezer, so you have to ice it to cool it. You remove the ice from the mixed drink as soon as possible, generally by straining it.
My experience is that people use a chilled glass for gin. I've seen vodka have the ice strained out of it to go into a martini glass, but not gin.
My experience is that people use a chilled glass for gin.
Again, that's a modern thing. Cocktails date from the early 1900s, when it was very unlikely that a bar would have the facilities to pre-chill glasses.
traditional martini is iced, because traditionally you don't keep your vodka/gin in the freezer, so you have to ice it to cool it. You remove the ice from the mixed drink as soon as possible, generally by straining it.
Yup -- shaking gin w/ice bruises the hell out of it, but stirring is less traumatic to the beverage and its delicate baby feelings.
Have we seen 30 Second Exorcist here? (Now with more Bunnies!)
, but stirring is less traumatic to the beverage and its delicate baby feelings.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for every G&T I drink? Shades of Hitchhiker's...
Am I supposed to feel sorry for every G&T I drink? Shades of Hitchhiker's...
If you're heartless enough to not chill your gin bottle, obviously you don't have enough feeling to be sympathetic to your G&T.