Ginger Snaps Back
Okay. Pretty.
Didn't like it as much as II and way less than I.
The twisted humor, except for the anachronistic language mentioned here before, has been wrung right out of it. Which is of the sigh. Too bad, so sad.
Love the actresses and Nathanial Arcand is dre-ea-my.
I wish I'd had as much fun watching it as the crew obviously had making it. (as evidenced by the special features...but guys?...if your gonna make TWO featurettes? Try and make sure they have DIFFERENT footage! Putting dissimilar title cards on them and adding a bit of different music does not FOOL us! Only severe ADD sufferers aren't going to notice the SAME DAMN SCENES. What are we, slow? sheesh.)
There's a hint of a whiff of a rumour that an actor named Colin Salmon may be lined up for Bond.
Make of it what you will.
My sister told me he was the bookie favourite!
Of course, there are too many rumours to keep track of, and he's already appeared in the Bond movies, but I like it.
Dude. He has already been in Bond movies. So, basically, he would be promoted into the James Bond pants? I mean, in the outside-the-movie world, we know it is a revolving set of people in the JB pants, but that would make it so inside the movie as well.
He is quite good looking, BTW.
Just googled him and hey, I know that guy! He was terrific as the ultra-spiffy superintendent in
Keen Eddie.
He can totally do suave sophistication as well as ruthlessness, and the idea of the first black Bond is nifty.
Colin Salmon
Perfect with a side of Cubby Broccoli
... black Bond...
Followed closely thereafter by the first white Shaft.
I sincerely hope we're done with Shaft movies.
I'ma gonna see
today. On one hand, there's Julia Roberts factor, but the combination of Clive Owen, Jude Law, and Nathalie Portman is irresistible. I sort of hear that the content of the movie is near the Neil LaBute territory though.
I sincerely hope we're done with Shaft movies.
well, to be honest, I kinda feel the same way about Bond movies.