I'm not sure why I'm doing this to myself, but I just watched
Jason X.
Jason X
answers the question, "What would happen if you crossed
Friday the 13th
The answer is, "You get a bad Jason movie
a bad sci-fi movie! Two for the price of one!"
The characters are...not interesting! The plot is...not logical! The killing is...not creative! The humor is...not funny! (With the exception of a pretty hilarious metajoke near the end.)
No, no, no, people. I'm generally a lenient guy, but this movie's just plain bad.
Is Terminator III worth watching?
'Cuz I'm watching it. (For free, on cable.)
Is Terminator III worth watching?
It's all right. And it's got a ballsy ending. I'd say you're making the right decision with the free, on cable, business.
It's better than the stuff
been watching for free, on cable.
today and enjoyed it muchly, partly because of the art direction, and partly
because of the way the story of the assassination attempt was gradually refined from lie to something resembling the truth.
What bothered me, in retrospect, was the
final message of the film, that the unity and overall peace of "Our Land" could excuse acts of tyranny and so on. I found it chilling in how that message applied to Communist China and a number of other regimes.
Consider who funded it, Anne.
I knew nothing about the movie going in, Betsy. Who funded it? Was it
the Chinese Gov't, or was it Mel Gibson?
The movie's funded by Communist China ("Beijing New Picture Film Co."). The first Qin Emperor has become an official cultural hero in Communist China. It felt a bit allegory-ish while I was watching it, so I looked up the details. The first Qin Emperor is famous, by the way, for burning all the Chinese books he didn't approve of -- every single copy. He also buried scholars alive.
Somehow, I do not find any of that surprising. I loved the movie while I was watching it. It didn't hit me until the ride home just how
propagandistic the thing was.
Yip. That's why I ultimately love CTHD more.
is a more beautiful movie, but CTHD has a better text and subtext for me.
For the record, I did like Terminator III. And I managed to watch the whole thing without being distracted by the fact that the lead character is governor of California.
I think I should rent Predator. That movie has two governors in it.