Amber Tamblyn and Alexis Bledel? You're gonna freak.
Strangely enough, this isn't the (sole) reason. The book made me cry in 15 different directions. There were tears EVERYWHERE.
Um...this is a good thing. Really.
Not The Gay Guy?
Well, let's hope SHE doesn't interpret it that way. That'd be just a little counter-productive.
Guy Who Gets Stuck Holding the Belt
Well, she did mention something about friends in the interview. And them being with her when she went out. Maybe we'll both get lucky.
And them being with her when she went out. Maybe we'll both get lucky.
Holding that belt may paint me the wrong way, though, especially if we talk about how I recently saw
Who says that's the
t sly wink
ETA: Gah! and Larger Gah! Totally worth the effort.
Maybe the first Nightmare on Elm Street, edited
Ah, so you missed Johnny Depp chewed up and spit out by the bed then?
Ah, so you missed Johnny Depp chewed up and spit out by the bed then?
See, I'm not sure how you could even
a movie like that edited, so I think they must have left all but the most graphic parts out. I think I remember the bed and the blood and all the scratches and whatnot.
Gah! and Larger Gah! Totally worth the effort.
She's wearing a lot of makeup in those pictures. I didn't realize her lips were so...lippy.
I didn't realize her lips were so...lippy.
You don't like the lippy lips, you hold the belt. It works out fine.
You don't like the lippy lips, you hold the belt.
Oh, the lips are fine. They're calling to me.
I never saw
The Princess Diaries
cause I was kind of morally opposed to yet another "Let's give a pretty girl bad hair and glasses, and then make her pretty again, which will solve all her character's problems, ever!" movie. Though I still haven't seen
She's All That,
and I want to, because it kicked off the teen movie trend of the last however many years. (Not that teen movies haven't been around forever, but it started a new wave, if I recall.)
because it kicked off the teen movie trend of the last however many years. (Not that teen movies haven't been around forever, but it started a new wave, if I recall.)
Be thankful you weren't a teen when the Porkys movies came out....
Though I still haven't seen She's All That
It's pretty bad. But Rachel Leigh Cook? Also hot. In a totally more different way. Also, clearly hot even before the change, whereas in Princess Diaries they at least gave her REALLY REALLY REALLY bad hair (a wig, actually) before the switch, so it was less clear.
ETA: Freddie, however, makes my brain hurt. In just about everything he does.
I'd suggest Ella Enchanted before either of the Princess Diaries movies, by the way. It's just better. The PD books are great, though, Mia's voice is hilarious.
She's All That
has a great dance scene. And a cool cast list. But I never remember much more. However, it's no (and was preceded by)
Can't Hardly Wait.