Garden State.
Hated it. I didn't walk out, but I haven't come that close since
Howard the Duck.
The first time I saw
Home Alone
Office Space
I thought they were funny and well done. The second time I saw them I thought they were just sad and mean.
Garden State
is mostly just sad and mean, with some unconvincing schmaltz at the end.
I saw
which was very interesting. It wasn't totally what I expected, because Maggie Gyllenhaal's character wasn't this stereotypical "Ooh, spank me! Yes!" person: the movie was about her
this new kink, and how she deals with it. It's very sad at points. It's not the type of relationship that normally gets portrayed in movies, so that was cool, and I really liked how
the main characters felt. The movie doesn't place judgments on their lifestyle. Also, Maggie Gyllenhaal deserves all the accolades she received for her performance. She conveys so much of her character through her face and body language.
I also just finished watching
Darkness Falls.
There is nothing at all remarkable about
Darkness Falls.
It doesn't suck enough to be funny; it's merely as mediocre as they come. And Emma Caulfield doesn't get to crack
joke. Actually, I don't think there's a single joke in the entire movie. Unless you count the entire movie, in which the villain is the Tooth Fairy.
Also, Maggie Gyllenhaal deserves all the accolades she received for her performance. She conveys so much of her character through her face and body language.
She is just *luminous.* That movie made me totally her bitch and put her on my list of "Actors I'd Be Willing to Watch in a Bad Movie." As, for instance, Mona Lisa Smile.
She was the only thing that made that movie bearable. (That movie being
Mona Lisa Smile
which was awesome. Though a friend of mine warns that it can be a gateway drug. Though "warns" is a rather strong word for it.)
Did you sit through the
Darkness Falls
credits? Just think, P-C -- the movie was so damned short the credits had to go on forever just so it would be long enough to qualify as an actual feature.
It could have been worse. There could have been more lack of tension.
Did you sit through the Darkness Falls credits? Just think, P-C -- the movie was so damned short the credits had to go on forever just so it would be long enough to qualify as an actual feature.
I read that! So amusing. I forwarded through to see if the main guy was a name I recognized (he wasn't, though he looked like a Poor Man's Mark Ruffalo) and who did the few songs they used. The music in the credits was actually pretty good.
There could have been more lack of tension.
I was so baffled by the fact that they gave the main characters a pre-adolescent kiss and then didn't give them any sexual tension at all as adults.
Huh, that was the one thing I liked about it. Like, Emma's character was smart enough to realize the male lead was an emotional disaster like unto Thera and never entertain the slightest thought of attraction.
Tell me, how many people think it's wise to pick fights with and otherwise harrass a former mental patient who supposedly killed his own mother as a teenager? Cause personally, I think that rep would have let him walk through Oz unmolested.
I would pick just about
tension over none, especially in a horror flick.
So. Just finished
The Bride With The White Hair
This sort of movie never ends well, does it?
Hee. I loved that, and no.