They should have called it "Anne 3: When Nature Was Unkind." Because, seriously? Gilbert looked EXACTLY the same, and Anne looked like she'd aged about 50 years.
Yep. Or, "Anne 3: The Movie in Which None of this Stuff Ever Happened in the Books, Please Don't Notice, Okay?"
I don't know how he moves as Flynn. I just know he photographs nice.
Sweet Italian Jesus. GUH.
I showed my (male, hetero) co-worker that picture, and I said "Admit it -- you'd switch teams for him."
His reply: "Yeah, but only once."
His reply: "Yeah, but only once."
Meaning he wouldn't switch back? That's dedication.
George Clooney could do Cary Grant, and indeed has. (See Ocean's 11.)
See also (parts of)
Intolerable Cruelty.
George Clooney could do Cary Grant, and indeed has. (See Ocean's 11.)
See also (parts of) Intolerable Cruelty.
George Clooney is the new Cary Grant. I've thought so for a while now.
He's a big old Grant/Hudson sandwich. In that smooth, suave, composed star way.
That's much of what went through my mind when he put his hand in his pants pocket as he was going down that escalator in
Ocean's 11.
Let's not talk about what the rest of my mind was engaged in.
George Clooney is the new Cary Grant. I've thought so for a while now.
No way. He's the new Gable.
In that smooth, suave, composed star way.
And Clooney is one of those actors who is making me think of how much better they look when they're older vs. younger -- and THEN it's making me think that, maybe they look better when they're older because I, too, am getting older and therefore my tastes are changing.
But then I think, no, there are some young guys who I dig (Frankie Muniz, I'm looking at you), so maybe it's NOT because I'm aging.
Maybe Clooney and Redford really just ARE getting better as they age. (Though Redford may have reached critical mass of Older=Hotter, because now he's starting to look like a sharpei. But, say, 5-10 years ago? He was as hot as he's ever been.)