(And, and I say this in the most gentle and teasing way possible, Sunil is approaching creepy stalker levels of remembering specific posts of mine. Unless he does that with everyone and I'm just too narcissistic to notice.)
Not that you're not totally stalkable, but my memory can often be ridiculously precise with regards to posts. As for this particular instance, I of course threadsucked to find your original post on
The Apple
(and people's reactions) after having seen it. And hell, you mentioned while I was
that Sean needed to see it.
In conclusion, the answer to both of your statements is yes.
(Actually, I remembered you saying too, Jessica.. I just decided not to say so. Don't need more of a stalker rep after all.)
my memory can often be ridiculously precise with regards to posts
As another member of the ridculously precise memory club, I can vouch that P-C and I have had this exact discussion before about freaking people out by remembering their stuff.
(For example, I know that they last time we talked about this, I was in the family room at my in-laws house in Florida.)
Funny to actually watch it happen.
I can vouch that P-C and I have had this exact discussion before about freaking people out by remembering their stuff.
Whoa, crap. We have? Damn it all.
Yeah it always freaks people out that I remember stuff about them. They think I'm stalking them, but it's not like it took any extra effort or anything.
Now I mostly just pretend not to remember if it's going to be weird.
Now I mostly just pretend not to remember if it's going to be weird.
Hey, wait a second. This sounds vaguely familiar. Yeah, maybe we did talk about this.
Note from
The Aviator
trailer: Howard Hughes was a handsome man in a stereotypically masculine (lots of bone-structure-y) way. Leonardo diCaprio is completely unconvincing in the role.
Note from The Aviator trailer: Howard Hughes was a handsome man in a stereotypically masculine (lots of bone-structure-y) way. Leonardo diCaprio is completely unconvincing in the role.
not that I'm disputing this in the least but did Tommy Lee Jones make the grade?