I must have skimmed over the JohnSweden injury.
(I learned about it in his LJ, you probably didn't miss anything.)
(And if I remember correctly, it wasn't a combat-related injury, so much as a slip-and-fall sort of thing, but I may be wrong about that.)
I know this is one of the few movies I don't actually share the stupid-but-PRETTY! love with you, but it still makes you just that much more endearing.
You flatterer, you.
I've been in a pretty and/or gothy cliché movie-watching phase for a week or so now. Every time I get to pick a dvd to watch in the evening, it's been
"Moulin Rouge! Addams Family! Sleepy Hollow! Interview with The Vampire! Dangerous Liasions!"
Pete has been rolling his eyes at me a lot.
Pete has been rolling his eyes at me a lot.
You should pin a cloth tail to the seat of his trousers, and make him say, "oh, bother."
I bet he'd do a fantastic Eeyore, and it would be a word that starts with "A" and rhymes with "bladorable."
(And if I remember correctly, it wasn't a combat-related injury, so much as a slip-and-fall sort of thing, but I may be wrong about that.)
Well, it did happen in combat, but it was the sort of thing that could happen doing any sporting-type thing. I got knocked backwards over a dead body and sprained (I think) my achilles tendon as I fell. Okay, maybe not -any- sporting-type thing.
I hope it isn't torn. It doesn't hurt enough to be torn, I don't think. (I've had torn ankle ligaments and that was excruciatingly painful). I'm getting by mostly on ibu, with some ACC, but it is being slow to heal. Might just be getting older, though.
I bet he'd do a fantastic Eeyore, and it would be a word that starts with "A" and rhymes with "bladorable."
If I have had a super-bad day, Pete will read Winnie the Pooh stories to me, and do different voices for all the characters. Did you know that Eeyore sounds like Alan Moore? I had no idea.
We did a group Winnie the Pooh reading at a party once; Pete's rendition of Eeyore reduced a friend of ours to gasping for breath while doubled over laughing.
Oh, and The Husband of Reason says: "Oh sure, invoke my wrath when you know full well I'm hip-deep in painting and there's no bloody way I have time to come on the board and give you shit. I feel like paying your airfare to Seattle just so I can kick your arse in person. Hugs, Pete."
it wasn't a combat-related injury
I've been on a medieval roll (still) and cannot seem to give up my Ivanhoe disk. Netflix is raking in the dough on this one.
Last night, I watched the first disc of "The Celts" a documentary that is fairly cheesy in its production values (lots of bad beards and fake swathing in the reinactments). I did, however, learn a few interesting bits of tid, but not enough to keep me from fast forwarding through a lot of the arty stuff.
The best bit? A bonus interview with Enya from an Irish morning show. E came off as pretty unsympathetic. At the end, the interviewer said something about Enya's music being 'landscape music' to which Enya made some snottyesque reply. They cut back to the studio where the anchorwoman takes a deep breath and snarks,"Riiight. We'll let's see what kind of weather we'll have in our landscape today. Bill?"
I realize that, in print, that doesn't come off as funny but it cracked me up. Plus? It would have been really easy for the docu makers to cut that bit out. Must not be a lot of Enya-love going around.
Still, her music really did enhance the documentary.
Okay, maybe not -any- sporting-type thing.
Jeez! I hope not!!
And non-torn ~ma headed your way.
Nothing to do with the actual novel, but full of vampires and pretty clothes.
Totally. I own the book by the costume designer. This gives me all the best parts of the movie, without the plot, acting, or dialog.
Did you know that Eeyore sounds like Alan Moore? I had no idea.
That is so freakin' funny.
Oh, and The Husband of Reason says: "Oh sure, invoke my wrath when you know full well I'm hip-deep in painting and there's no bloody way I have time to come on the board and give you shit. I feel like paying your airfare to Seattle just so I can kick your arse in person. Hugs, Pete."
I know. I'm a right bastard that way.
Jilli, go buy Eiko and Coppola NOW: there's a copy for $18.00. Link