I was just surprised that Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan wasn't on there. The ONLY Trek film to have any real cinematic integrity, as opposed to just being for the fans.
Oh, I'd say that Undiscovered Country had some cinematic integrity as well, but only by virtue of being directed by Nicholas Meyer, same as Wrath of Khan.
::tears up Beej's invite to the Voight fete::
Are y'all saying that people fight over whether or not Star Wars is a space western?
It was the whole concept of science fiction as western, wasn't it? It'd be back in the beginning of the first Firefly thread.
Heh. See, all my friends are sort of the same way, Beej. They all go all swoony at the "romance."
I'm just baffled at the part where you all gloss over the fact that it's a REALLY BAD MOVIE!
No bafflement necessary here Sean. I completely get what a terrible movie it is...which...in no way, stems my warm, gooey like for some parts of it.
Heck, I own the Frank Langella Dracula and watch it every year at Halloween. Bad? Hooyah!
I was amazed one year, at my annual party, when I put Frank on the computer (no tv) as 'ambience". The party came to a grinding halt as 20 adults squeed, and piled on top of each other on the floor to watch. Flabbergasting! I just figured that for anybody but me, it might be cheesy fun.
The definition of 'no accounting for taste.'
Are y'all saying that people fight over whether or not Star Wars is a space western?
No, I think the kerfuffle in question (which I was not around for) was about whether all science fiction movies are westerns.
Star Wars, being a space opera, does have quite a bit in common with westen.
::tears up Beej's invite to the Voight fete::
Thanks for thinking of me! both times
Oh, I'd say that Undiscovered Country had some cinematic integrity as well, but only by virtue of being directed by Nicholas Meyer, same as Wrath of Khan.
And it had Christopher Plummer, Christian Slater, and Iman. OK, I'll give you that one.
My Dracula hatred is for whoever thought a movie was more fun without any subtext.
I still watch the movie because Ooooh, pretty! Nothing to do with the actual novel, but full of vampires and pretty clothes. (Yes, I will forgive a
in a movie if it has vampires and pretty clothes. I admit it's shallow of me.)
I never thought of Star Wars as a space western. I thought of it as a big ol' rip-off of E. E. "Doc" Smith.
I completely get what a terrible movie it is...which...in no way, stems my warm, gooey like for some parts of it.
Fair enough. I'll freely admit I get a little turned on by the hairy beast sex in the rain scene, but only because of the mostly nekkid chic.
And now I'm sure I've just skeeved out a bunch of people.