The AFI theater here is having a Johnny Depp fest, so I went to see Dead Man last night. I don't know if Dead Man is one of my favorite movies, but I own it and I watch it periodically because it's interesting and half the movie (the Johnny Depp/Gary Farmer stuff) is incredible. (I actually think it may be JD's best performance, which is saying something.)
It was an interesting experience, because I've never gone to see something in the theater that I've only watched on DVD. I noticed a lot of things that I haven't before, simply because they were louder and much, much bigger on the screen. And, since DVDs make it so easy to skip past the scenes I don't like, being forced to watch the stuff that annoys me was actually a good thing, because I made a lot of connections between the scenes with the bounty hunters and the scenes of growing friendship between GF and JD. Also, watching something with an audience (consisting almost entirely of pretentious movie geeks and teenage JD fans) which I had only ever watched alone was really interesting because people kept laughing at things which I had never noticed were funny and some things which really aren't supposed to be funny. It was a kick.
Ever After totally sold me on Dougray, so I see everything he's in, but have never again felt that warm gooey feeling for him. He plays such nasty bad guys and such convincing crazies (Arabian Nights, for example) that I can't go all swooney any more.
The fact that Julia Roberts's character is portrayed as kind of a psycho is my very favorite thing about that movie.
I also like the risk they took because Dermot Mulroney and Cameron Diaz aren't exactly a prize-winning couple, either.
He is that, but I'm still extremely glad that he was so busy filimg MI:2 that he couldn't take the part of Wolverine in X-Men that was offered to him.
Dougray Scott in Ever After is equivalent to Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club.
No, stick with me. In those movies, those guys are hot. They have never, never, ever been nearly as hot in anything else, for whatever reason.
Heh. I'll give you Judd Nelson, but Dougray's career is still kind of young, no? And while I didn't find him precisely hot in "Enigma", I didn't find him repulsive or anything. Well, I have to say that he was sadly outshined by Kate Winslet (despite the fact she was playing someone allegedly dowdy. As if!), Jeremy Northam, and then-unknown-to-me Matthew MacFadyen (who played the officer whose face was tragically disfigured during combat), on whom I developed a rather violent crush. I think it was that voice. Plus, the eye-patch.
No, no, not repulsive at all, and I quite liked him in Enigma. But did he have the magical level of hotness in Ever After? Nope.
Enigma. Another too-convincing Dougray crazy. He did a great job making me believe he had gone 'round the twist. Fascinating but not attractive to me.
My Best Friend's Wedding
really mean them to all be despicable? That's why I hated the movie.
I can't imagine that they did.
Dougray Scott is hot.
In Ever After, he wore tights. (Also, Drew Barrymore picked up up bodily and he managed to keep a straight face.) In Enigma, probably no tights. In Mission Impossible 2, there was macking on Thandie Newton, but no tights and anyway there was Tom Cruise to bring the picture down.
In sum, I think tights cause hotness.
It's funny, trying to imagine Scott as Wolverine. #1, as your average white man goes, he looks a lot like Hugh Jackman. In a way that is many details the same but the overall picture totally different. #2, I know Jackman already had MOVIE STAR tattooed on his forehead by then, but wasn't X-Men his first movie? Imagine what we'd feel about his hotness level if we'd first gotten to know him through a series of idiotic romantic comedies.