I am powerful, yet insignificant!
(I am also in a state of total flakiness, due to my brain being eaten by my job last week. Anything that comes out of my mouth and/or fingers may therefore be safely written off as the incoherent babblings of a madwoman.)
Oh, yeah -- I was the one who liked
and led Matt down a path of cinematic sadness on that one.
As soon as
Garden State
actually makes it to Cincinnati, I'll be seeing it.
I think what I mean is mostly that I want a world where they don't end up constantly as Korean Guy #3 or That Indian Dude
Exactly! Cause
That Indian Dude.
I don't think that
Garden State
opens wide 'til this weekend -- therefore I have not seen it. I do want to see it.
Hey, P-C, maybe I should write the movie where The Indian Guy and The Chick in The Wheelchair fight crime or something.
Hey, P-C, maybe I should write the movie where The Indian Guy and The Chick in The Wheelchair fight crime or something.
He's not
Indian Guy. He's
Indian Guy. I think maybe you're
Chick in The Wheelchair, actually.
Ok, my mistake...I have been, actually.
Hey, P-C, maybe I should write the movie where The Indian Guy and The Chick in The Wheelchair fight crime or something.
Wheels and Masala
Wheels and Masala Fight Crime at White Castle
I thought you said
Wheels and Masada
and I was having unhappy thoughts about you and Erika rolling off a cliff.
It's really tragic - I get out to far fewer movies then I used to (though this does go in phases, or maybe spasms). Of what I have seen, these are the ones that I'd deem worthy (in no particular order):
Kill Bill, Vol 2
Eternal Sunshine...
Spider-Man 2
Manchurian Candidate
And somehow that's all I'm coming up with - if that's it, I'm acually embarassed.
I've got Friday off, and hoping to catch up with a bunch of stuff I've missed recently over the weekend/next week which would be (and yes, I've been known to do the movie binge thing):
Zantiochi (sp?)
Harry Potter the 3rd
possibly Anchorman
And then there were a ton I kept meaning to get to but missed, mostly indy or foreign films, though.