I was waiting for Dana to bring the bitchslap.
New Yorkers are thrilled to cut movie stars down to size when they try Broadway. If Jackman had been anything less than brilliant, the reviews would have shot the show down the next day. It was more like discovering that Michael Jordan could tapdance as well as Savion Glover.
Bitchslap me for asking a question? I'm glad she didn't. However am I going to learn if I get beaten up for asking an innocent question?
For asking a question, no. For impugning the Radiance that Is Hugh? Quite possibly.
Now, I know this is going to be weird coming from me, but...if that's impugning, you may very well need to gain some distance from the imaginary people.
I am going to go watch Play It Again,Sam while eating homemade strawberry creme fraiche ice cream. Earlier today we watched Casablanca. This is the One True Double Feature.
I don't bitchslap. I share the love.
Please don't come at me with a baseball bat, hammer, or knife.
For theater folks, our response when Swordfish came out was "Oh, Hugh Jackman, the guy from the London production of "Oklahoma" that got such amazing reviews." I was waiting for him to get into films, because his theater rep. preceded him. So not stunt casting in his case.
our response when Swordfish came out
What was your response when X-Men came out?
So not stunt casting in his case.
Yes, yes, you can stop slapping me now. I only asked if it was, not claimed it was.
Paige Davis, of Trading Spaces fame, is currently in Chicago. I shit you not.