I have not read Tales Of Dread. I think King's been good at mixing creepy with gross -- I still think of that guy getting sucked through the slats of the raft in The Mist witha shiver.
But mostly it's smaller things, like the eyes of the seagulls in The Talisman.
As for movies, often it's just shock -- which wears off. But the end of
The Ring,
and its implications for those directly involved -- that's where real horror lives for me.
MM -- does the second thing in your post happen? (I don't read the comic so I don't know. . . and I don't remember that from the cartoon.)
Yay, The Thin Man was on today. Classic detective movie at it's best.
Rrrowr for Myrna Loy.
Eonline says that ED is rumored to be up for the part of the Black Cat in Spidey 3.
The thing with The Exorcist is, nothing relevant happens for the first 30 minutes; we're just hanging out in Africa on an archeological dig, and it's really pretty boring. And then they spend some time establishing Regan and her mom as a relatively normal family.
So when Regan's head start spinning and she starts howling, it's almost as strange and just as scary as it would be if that happened in life. I made my husband repeatedly assure me that possession was not real and there were no demons in my apartment after I watched it.
(It's also probably a scarier movie if you live less than two miles from Georgetown.)
Books usually don't really scare me.
I think I'll go to Spiderman 3 like twelve times, if that happens.
And I'll buy the disc and play it a bunch of times. That'll end up in the rotation with the coffin sex, I don't doubt.