Nora -
The secret of The Village is that it's a rustic, pseudo-Amish community living in a nature preserve. The myth of the "creatures" is to keep people from wandering out into modern society. The "creatures" themselves are costumes worn by the adults of the Village.
Oh, dear. Sean, it sounds to me as if that plot was
inspired by an episode of Scooby Doo or something.
heh. Heh! Thanks. Maybe I will see it. However, there are a zillion good movies I still need to see, so maybe not.
Signed, still have not seen Spiderman 2 or Harry Potter 3.
Or Hellboy. I suck!
Anne - BWAH!
Nora - get thee to a theater.
Snerk, Anne.
Today's Chronicle review of the Village had the little guy sleeping in the chair, which is one step up from an empty chair.
There are people who don't like gerunds?
Dude, don't. Seriously, don't. Three-day argument over whether or not "kissage" is a gerund. (No, wait, I think that was a different grammatical argument...)
Three-day argument over whether or not "kissage" is a gerund.
More like three weeks. (Or did it just feel that way?)
Three-day argument over whether or not "kissage" is a gerund.
running awaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy....
I think it was a slowish and ongoing argument, but by the end there was all-caps, scrolly-long posts, and people resorting to Fowler's and Latin textbooks. It was a whole big entertaining thing (in Literary 1, if you want to look it up.)
We were breaking new grammatical ground, although almost none of the participants are linguists or formal grammarians in any way. It was awesome.
Harold and Kumar opens this weekend!
I'm really looking forward to this movie.