Well, I had no interest in seeing The Village (though I've never been a fan of movies that are supposed to freak you out. Call it horror or thriller or what have you.) but the spoiler amuses me. Only Shamylan movie I've seen is Unbreakable, which I actually liked (and seems at odds with the general consensus here.)
Didn't like Swordfish. It started off only mildly ridiculous, but then got caught in this bizarre death spiral of absurdity where it kept topping itself until we get to the completely over-the-top climax.
Wow, looking at the upcoming releases for this summer, there's nothing I really want to see. Though I do need to see if I can find a local theatre showing Zatoichi.
Only Shamylan movie I've seen is Unbreakable, which I actually liked (and seems at odds with the general consensus here.)
I liked it, but I'm a comics geek.
You can compare and contrast
The Grudge
with Ju-On (The Grudge)
I think the Japanese version definitely looks to be the creepier of the two.
I liked it, but I'm a comics geek.
Without getting into a thing about it, this sentence pops up every time we discuss Unbreakable here, and I still don't know what it's supposed to be about, other than putting the comics geeks who didn't like the film (of which there are a fair number) on the defensive.
I just went back and read
The Village
spoilers. hee hee hee
Is this an English version of a Japanese original, similar to The Ring?
Not quite. Apparently it is specifically the fourth in the set - just the first made in the US. And from what I understand it's not the kind of series where plots and characters roll on - there's a setup and it rolls across unrelatd characters.
Heh. I'm about midway through the Salon article on Donnie Darko, and all I can think is that the thing is
all about Hypertime!
It's no Hackers.
I still need to see that.
I liked it, but I'm a comics geek.
I loved it
I became a comics geek.
After reading the secret ending to The Village, I think I'll have to pass on it. Maybe I'll watch it if it's on TV or something. M. Night Shyamalan has just gotten worse with each film.
His movie with the little boy and Rosie O'Donell was really good. I don't remember the title; I think it was Wide Awake or something like that.
The Sixth Sense was pretty good.
Unbreakable was okay. It had it's moments of brilliance, as well as weakness.
Signs was pretty bad. Probably one of the worst movies I've sat through in theaters.
And from what I've now heard about The Village, I think it might go down as one of the worst movies of all time.