Oh, Matt. You are absolutely right. My gymtastics are blurring together.
I'm pretty sure I saw RAD too...same effect.
Still can't see how the Equilibrium folk didn't expect that particular nom de martial arts to cause derisive snorts from movie-goers of a certain age.
On Collatoral: My experience of Tom Cruise is that he is greatly enhanced by the landscape. Beyond his charming smile, his acting is more a reflection of the surrounding elements like co-stars, concept and dialogue. Not so much with the actual "emoting". Which makes me wonder, if in fact a lot of action takes place in a cab, how he'll fare being closely scrutinized in a small space.
And what looks like a
nightclub assasination
in the preview was pulled off really well in the Replacement Killers. I don't have high hopes for it here.
with the woman who played the evil Diana (?) on X-Files
Mimi Rogers, who used to be married to Tom Cruise.
Yes! Mimi Rogers!
Why do decent actors pick such horrible films?
The whole time I was watching Lost in Space, all I kept thinking was, "This *seems* like an acting gig for Joey Tribiani...."
The whole time I was watching Lost in Space, all I kept thinking was, "This *seems* like an acting gig for Joey Tribiani...."
Yeah. It made Wormhole Extreme on SG-1 look good.
Strangely enough, I'm on-topic.
I just saw
Oh my God. All 188 minutes of it, there was just a big "Wow" inside me. I want to write something about it, but I can't find the words. Just, wow.
Heh. P-C, this fills me with relief, as I've been pimping
to Hec for the last year and a half. Since in pop-culture-consuming sensibilities sense you are frequently Hec and he is frequently you, this bodes well for his impression of the object of my mania.
I fear, however, that you may now be dead to Steph.
If he even existed, he'd be dead to me. But he doesn't exist, so that's fine.
t resumes Magnolia hatred
Tep will love me, as I saw De-Lovely on her rec and enjoyed it.
Then she'll hate me, as I join P-C and the splendiferous JZ in Magnolia love.
It's going to be hard on her, I fear.
The NYT says if Catwoman dies, it'll take African-American actresses' bankability down with it.
[Hmm. My first reading was that they were generalizing about all AA actresses, but on second reading maybe it's just Ms. Berry who'll crash and sink.]
She's the only one
bankability, so yeah, probably her.