That's a good point. And for the structure of the show, of course, having Web take her aside and say, "By the way, you're not really fired. I'd just like you to get on that train so you can draw the real killer out. See you at the next station" would be kind of unworkable. Thanks.
Now, if only Web would tell me whether or not to go dancing.
Web thinks you should dance.
Though Allyson thinks I'm Paul.
Fuck it, we all know I'm really Mel.
No, I think Allyson thinks you're all of them.
Numfar, do the dance of nipple clamps and leather whips!
Web thinks you should dance.
Then I'm going to have to get drunk really fast. But if Web says... Now where's my nail polish?
I just finished watching the episode. I was surprised by it being the detective. I always thought Rebecca was the one who made the page. I like the characters and much of the dialogue, but so far the plots have not really held my interest.