I will admit, there is violence against women. However in that second episode... well, I'll let you be judges. In the third, the victims are all men. So I'd say in the first three, the major victims are equally male/female. So I'm not sure saying it's all about violence against women washes, frankly. (Allyson and Kristen will hopefully back me up on this -- I'm talking Pilot, Old Wounds, Pre-Filer. Body count pretty even, seems to me.)
In the fourth episode, no females were injured in the filming of that episode.
I'll admit I put my hero in peril a lot. Too much, actually. I did it with Angel, Mal and even Jaye. But there's a story point here regarding Rebecca and that. Still, having your main character get grabbed every week, weak. I'll try not to do that in the future. As much. And the thing is always gonna be dark. Now I have to get back to my 900 lb serial killer, thanks. (And it's not always serial killers, either, btw.)