Beagle update: Within two hours of being in the house, the new beagle peed on my sister's bed.
(Wait, that's the bed I have to sleep in when I go home. Whine.)
In other news, tomorrow I will be at boyf's house and can check to see if The Inside is showing up on his DVR yet. As soon as it does I will set it to record all. If he and his roomie have a problem, I'll add $5 a week to my rent or something (staying there for the summer).
Within two hours of being in the house, the new beagle peed on my sister's bed.
You know, there's a
people bought AiBos.
Well, okay, *de-quasi-lurk*
I'm all set to watch The Inside. TiVo is all Season Pass'd up.
I found out yesterday I'm going to be a Nielsen household in late June.
That is all.
I'm going to be a Nielsen household in late June
t Squeeees in joy.
Wheeee, make those numbers jump, baybee!
I think we just went up a ratings point. And it hasn't even aired yet.
If only I could get them to count both televisions and the two recording devices. Or do they?
Actually, I know less than I thought I did about ratings; evidently I'm going to be getting a physical diary. I thought they were on new-fangled electronic devices now so you couldn't cheat?
I just wish I'd been tapped a little later and could simultaneously help bump the Firefly run on Skiffy.
They use both, depending on the market and time of year. And they measure people, not sets.
I found out yesterday I'm going to be a Nielsen household in late June.
I love you. Make sure to watch all the Veronica Mars reruns this summer too, okay?
Dear Kristen,
You know I am so awesome. Don't even try to deny it.
Love and kisses,
Teh Awesome One