If only I could get them to count both televisions and the two recording devices. Or do they?
Actually, I know less than I thought I did about ratings; evidently I'm going to be getting a physical diary. I thought they were on new-fangled electronic devices now so you couldn't cheat?
I just wish I'd been tapped a little later and could simultaneously help bump the Firefly run on Skiffy.
They use both, depending on the market and time of year. And they measure people, not sets.
I found out yesterday I'm going to be a Nielsen household in late June.
I love you. Make sure to watch all the Veronica Mars reruns this summer too, okay?
Dear Kristen,
You know I am so awesome. Don't even try to deny it.
Love and kisses,
Teh Awesome One
Dear Allyson,
People who think her kitchen should be pink are not always as awesome as they think they are.
Hugs and kisses,
The One Who is Not Currently Smoking Crack
PS Macaulay Culkin says hi.
Re-reading Allyson's writeup. I don't know how, but somehow I had forgotten the noir bits. This is exciting for me, because I'm taking a class at Barnes and Noble University entitled "Film Noir: Danger, Darkness, and Dames" this summer, and it'll be neat to try and apply what I'm learning
as the story unfolds
everyone's kitchen should be pink.
everyone's kitchen should be pink.
What's latin for "pink tyrant"?
Is the tyrant masculine, feminine, or neuter?
I am not sure how you spell it, but it is pronounced "The nicest one here".