Whoot. Baby got a good review:
"The Inside" (June 8, Fox): The last thing we need is a new cop show, but this tale of a special FBI unit that investigates serial crimes is full of wicked good twists and turns and great characters including Peter Coyote's amoral chief. Newcomer Rachel Nichols is excellent as a child-abduction victim who grows up to be an FBI profiler.
Huh. It's from my hometown paper. Who knew someone in this city had an ounce of good taste???
especially considering what passes for chili in that town.
From Entertainment Weekly:
Starring Rachel Nichols, Peter Coyote, Jay Harrington What It's About The FBI's Los Angeles Violent Crimes Unit has a new recruit (Nichols). The boss (Coyote) wants to exploit her past--a childhood abduction that allows her to get inside the minds of both criminals and victims. The agency's conscience (Harrington) wants to protect her from that heartless boss--and possibly her never-caught kidnapper. What to Expect A character drama disguised as a procedural. "I don't know anything about law. I don't know anything about order. I can, however, make up s---," explains cocreator Tim Minear (Angel, Firefly, Wonderfalls). Brought on board after Fox ditched a pilot that had Nichols working undercover in a high school, Minear introduced the kidnapping backstory, a new supporting cast, and kinky plots like one about a killer who targets high-powered women into S&M. Says Nichols, "We went from 21 Jump Street to Silence of the Lambs." Why We're Optimistic Fox wants scary, and Minear isn't afraid to give them "the feel-good dead-baby episode of the season." --Mandi Bierly
There was a short blurb in the hard copy edition of TV Guide for this week about The Inside and other summer fare. I don't remember exact wording but it was positive.
cocreator Tim Minear (Angel, Firefly, Wonderfalls).
They even got this right. Go EW!
That's our boy. Or man. Or whatever.
Beagle update: Within two hours of being in the house, the new beagle peed on my sister's bed.
(Wait, that's the bed I have to sleep in when I go home. Whine.)
In other news, tomorrow I will be at boyf's house and can check to see if The Inside is showing up on his DVR yet. As soon as it does I will set it to record all. If he and his roomie have a problem, I'll add $5 a week to my rent or something (staying there for the summer).