I think we should start a counter-rumor.
Or, we could write Tim's "Buffy" episode, like we rewrote Spiral (um, without the "re" part). It won't be fixing an existing episode, true, so a little less material to work with, but it will also give us more freedom.
Is there a character who just didn't show up anymore? Someone who might have been brutally done away with?
There were at least a couple Cordettes that we only saw once or twice. We could have Tim off one of them in a spectacular manner.
Yeah, but we kinda knew what happened to her. I mean someone who wouldn't mess up continuity if Tim had killed him/her in that mysterious (but wonderful, I hear) Buffy episode he wrote. Someone in Xander's family perhaps?
We could have Tim off one of them in a spectacular manner.
Right after making us develop a grudging fondness for her.
We do see his dad, lit from behind, in Restless.
Does he ever appear for the wedding? I don't remember.
Or, Willow's Mom seems like an option. Whatever happened to her, post-MOO?
She's mentioned to Kennedy while they're talking about Tara.
Hey, can we kill Kennedy?
ETA: Or maybe Riley comes back to die at Buffy's feet. And infect her with a speechifying disease.
How about Willy the Snitch?