Delurking to say I may be a wee bit primed to like Tim's new show. Our satellite TV reception is deteriorating, and rather than paying the $99 to have someone come out and adjust the dish, we decided to switch to cable. We had our choice of two installation dates: Monday, June 6, and Saturday, June 11. My husband can't take off work that Monday, so the choice was up to me.
On May 31 I'm going in for major abdominal surgery. I've had this before and know it entails three or four days in the hospital on Heavy-Duty Drugs, moving only when the nurses kick me out of bed to make me shuffle up and down the hallway, clutching my hospital gown closed and pushing my IV stand along with me like a homeless woman who hasn't worked her way up to a shopping cart yet. Then it's three days at home on Woozy, Dizzy-Making Drugs, mostly sleeping. After that it's a few more weeks on over-the-counter drugs, slowly getting my strength and mobility back.
On Monday the 6th, I'll either be on my last day of Woozy Drugs or gingerly making the switch to less-powerful painkillers. Either way, I'm not going to be up to dealing with the cable installer, so I told my husband to make the appointment for the 11th. Then I saw "The Inside, June 8" written on the calendar and hurried over to wave at my husband on the phone: "Have them come on the 6th."
This will be the first time a show of Tim's has caused me pain before broadcast. Damn, he's good.