"Grokking"? Sorry, that's a new one on me. Kinda summons the image of milk spewing from nostrils though.
Oh, and the NCIS thing was in reference to the way in which they just brutally removed one of their primary characters in the finale. Again, not as funny as it was in my head.
SPOILER: if you didn't see it yet.
Paraphrased: Setup:(Kate, Gibbs and Tony on the roof. Kate spots gunman coming up stairs through door and gunning for Gibbs, dives in the way taking a round to the chest)
Gibbs:(rushes to Kate finds her wearing her vest and helps her up) Thank you Kate.
Kate:Gibbs? I thought I would've died before I ever heard you say tha....
*Pop* sniper hits her between the eyes.
Brutal, Just made me think of Tim. umm.. In a good way, Tim.
Sorry, should now be spoilered right.
JadeHand, whitefont that. Put the letter "s" for spoiler as the first character on the line of the spoily bit, then a space.
JadeHand, this thread will be free for discussing The Inside as it airs (we call it Watch n' Post), but all other teevee shows need to be whitefonted so as not to spoil people who haven't seen them.
I know you made an effort to warn, but Our Way is to whitefont spoilers.
OK, JadeHand, you have to have grok in your vocab to hang out in here.
It's a Heinlein thing.
Doh' Sorry, I've got it spoilerized properly now. My bad. Off to review how to add fonts and tags here.
and I grok 'grok' now. Thanks for the link.
Zathura looks awesome in that way that means it looks like Jumanji in Space without Robin Williams which is, yeah, awesome. And I TOTALLY wouldn't have heard about it without the Guide.
I therefore approve of that trailer.
"I'm D. Griswold, and I approve this trailer."
Ok, not only did someone else think that, they also have a Marillion quote in their tag graveyard. Huh. Pleasure to meet you. Slainte!