On a completely unrelated note, does anybody have any thoughts on the 'quotes' style that Fireflyfans.net uses? As in, top right of all pages, a wee quote from Uncle Joss/Uncle Tim (etc) about the show.
I'm thinking about doing something similar for The Inside (dort org), but if people don't like the concept I may just drop it. I'm trying to keep the site as accessible as possible, but also make it slightly interesting.
The light blue quotes against a dark blue background on FFF.net make them easy to ignore. And when was the last time there was a new one?
Rotating favorite quotes from the episodes might eventually be a good page header feature. I suggest quotes from execs., cast, and crew would be better in their own "article" section.
There's a lot of strange people out there in the land of fandom. Some are dead on, others are just plain odd and scary (and horrendous spellers to boot). I spent a bit of time trying to analyse them but gave up.
You're gone a few days and lots of things happen. Sheesh. Allyson, thanks for the link.
www.givetimmyahug.com is available.
Hadn't thought about that. I didn't give the Joss Whedon for God 2005 2007 campaign a domain, because Joss gets enough of the praise elsewhere. But Timmy deserves it. I shall give this some considerations.
Like, say, Doyle-murdering.
Or Lilah-murdering, or Connor-murdering, or Cordy-murdering.
Strega once asked me if I didn't have anything better to do with my time.
Hey, you make me sound mean!
...yeah, okay, but I didn't say that in a mean way. I don't have anyhing better to do than come up with sociological theories about fandom, after all.
Allyson, have you read "Xenogenesis"?