I predict Gus will need a hearty, musky, earthy little Chianti, to wash down his posts, come June 8. Who's doing the PayPal thing?
I've got 99 cents left in my account, but I'll gladly give it to the cause.
I will take Cashmere's last sub-dollar, because I am greedy in that way and there is a hearty, musky, earthy little Chianti at issue.
I am an SF/F genre fan who has problems with procedurals.
David Simon rendered a procedural with
The Wire
that went down smoothly.
If I could present one kiss to Poppy Montgomery's cheek, I would die a happy man.
Tim and CSI will have to get a separate room. CSI has science. It has scrumptuous babes. However, any of the CSI cop characters could die and I would not care so much.
The Wire,
the death of a bad guy had me covering my face.
I'd cut my finger nails for her. And Zach Braff, for that matter.
The trimmed fingernails was also a reference to a bit on the Wonderfalls ep
Crime Dog:
The blonde one’s queer. Look at
her. Those fingernails are a dead
giveaway. Cut all nice and short.
Clean cuticle beds. Lesbians
always trim their nails like that.
Ya know why?
Man oh man did I love
Crime Dog.
Especially that line.
Natalie Portman is hot-headed.
Less so since she shot V for Vendetta.
Hey, the head's still hot, hair or no.
I mourn for her hair. As I once did for Keira Knightley's.
Why, God, why?
Why, God, why?
::hides stack of slaughtered goats::
I was wondering if you were behind it somehow, Hec.
I was wondering if you were behind it somehow, Hec.
Well, behind it in the sense that I was offstage clapping my hands with glee when I heard about the casting of V for Vendetta.