Allyson? word of advice? don't bother. they don't want anyone's advice. believe me. tried that route last night.
And I'm likely working on the Firefly party for the LA premiere at the end of April, depending on Joss' availability. But that one's a snap, more like pre-party
damn not having any money and damn my boss for being a cheap bastard and not paying me while i'm out for this surgery.
they don't want anyone's advice. believe me. tried that route last night.
That's too bad. I have a lot of wisdom on the matter.
My pipedream for Firefly is to have Joss do a Q&A after the premiere at the Arclight on the opening Friday, followed by a party for the fans at the Renaissance like our preparty, only decorated with chinese lanterns and catered with dim sum, and of course, lots of strawberries.
But no apples.
Well, maybe pre-sliced apples?
Huh. I just realized I have another reason to be in SoCal at the end of April.
are all people who tried to post on the bronze and didn't have what it took
Um, that was me, way way back in the day. I couldn't take the mile long shout outs, and all the !!!!!!!11!!!!1!.
Firefly parties sound all good, though.
And I'm likely working on the Firefly party for the LA premiere at the end of April, depending on Joss' availability.
Damn. Pity about my due date...
Will you need security?
If the DJ is as bad as at WHAR, I may have a contract killing.
And it still amazes me that you'd offer.
Damn. Pity about my due date...
AWWW! You would have come?
That's too bad. I have a lot of wisdom on the matter.
agreed. in fact, before they got all ass-y i was going to email you and tell you about them. they are such damn fools that they didn't realize that they're board admin was a PBPc member and were slamming them left and right. i think Karri handled herself well.
followed by a party for the fans at the Renaissance like our preparty
the Renaissance!! now i really want to go. i really love that hotel. i kinda missed it last year. the Century Plaza was too swanky for the likes of me.
Um, that was me, way way back in the day. I couldn't take the mile long shout outs, and all the !!!!!!!11!!!!1!.
ah, see. those are good reasons why you didn't make it. these people couldn't hack it because they're incapable of carrying on an intelligent conversation.
Is it awfully snobbish of me to think (and say) that Lost's more widespread appeal is going to torpedo any fannish efforts at putting together a workable PBP, whereas smaller, more elite groups of genre fans like the early Bronze, the Farscape fans, etc. have enough cohesion and SF con experience to actually pull such off without it degenerating into a teenybopper starfucker mess?