I thought the movie was fascinating, but I had no idea what was going on. I thought I would re-watch after reading the book, but it's never made it to the top of the list of things to do.
I read 3 of the books and decided I really didn't need to continue.
Third cousin (once-removed) of Dune
just doesn't have the same punch as the original.
I thought the movie was fascinating, but I had no idea what was going on. I thought I would re-watch after reading the book, but it's never made it to the top of the list of things to do.
Half the problem with the movie is that a lot of characters have about two scenes - their introductory scene, and their death or final scene. So you have all these semi-familiar (or in the case of Patrick Stewart, later very familiar) faces who are gone before you can figure out why they were there: Jurgen Prochnow, Max Von Sydow, Brad Dourif, Freddy Jones, Dean Stockwell, Virginia Madsen, etc.
It can be fun to play Attach the Dune Actor to Later Part in Sci-Fi or Cult TV Series.
That might be just me, and it's probably similar to my joy in Spotting the Canadian Bit Players across shows...
ETA: When, exactly, did I turn into a glass half full person?
Could it have anything to do with not having to put up with all the mess of organizing a Caritas party for a while now? 'Cause seriously, the stuff you (and Allyson) had to put up with between that and the auction a couple of years ago would have had me leaving a trail of bodies all across the country.
I read 3 of the books and decided I really didn't need to continue. Third cousin (once-removed) of Dune just doesn't have the same punch as the original.
I think I made it through three or four. I've noticed this with other series as well. I only made it through about half of Mercedes Lackey's books, and ditto for Piers Anthony. I absolutely adored them, and waited anxiously for new ones to come out, but after a while they became the same book over again. For as much as I love Mercedes Lackey, I really think nothing of hers surpassed
The Last Herald-Mage
Oh, yeah. The topic. Hmmm. Yeah beagles!
Beagle puppies are so cute . . . there ought to be a law against the massive cuteness.