I have never been able to watch more than 15 minutes of Dune. Ever. I suddenly become 4 years old and must become distracted by lint on the floor, a sound outside, my own toes, whatever else is around.
I imagine that the psychological effect Dune has on me is what ADD must be like.
I have never been able to watch more than 15 minutes of Dune. Ever. I suddenly become 4 years old and must become distracted by lint on the floor, a sound outside, my own toes, whatever else is around.
It has that effect on a lot of people.
Me either, Allyson. And I thought it was me.
I watched Dune four times over one weekend. Or, lets say, it was playing on the TV for much of the time. I was very drunk and very stoned.
I love Dune for the soundtrack, Jady Jessica, and having to explain the Holtzmann shield to people who have even weaker science understanding than me.
I am not sure that I even like the movie at all, I just enjoy it's circumstances.
Awww, Seanie. I [heart] you, too.
Dune was one of the handful of movies we saw in a theatre when I was a kid. Some sort of benefit thing. I'm sketchy on the details. Though I think we'd have gone anyway, it being sci fi.
It's safe to say that almost ALL the things we saw in theatres as kids were sci fi/fantasy. Krull, Flash Gordon, Star.*.
My father is, at times, predictable.
It seems that way for me too, Plei. I wonder if it's because most of the movies aimed at kids were scifi/fantasy genre.
Could be a LOT worse. In my day, they were all by Disney.
Although I still miss
Fighting Prince of Donegal.