Dune was one of the handful of movies we saw in a theatre when I was a kid. Some sort of benefit thing. I'm sketchy on the details. Though I think we'd have gone anyway, it being sci fi.
It's safe to say that almost ALL the things we saw in theatres as kids were sci fi/fantasy. Krull, Flash Gordon, Star.*.
My father is, at times, predictable.
It seems that way for me too, Plei. I wonder if it's because most of the movies aimed at kids were scifi/fantasy genre.
Could be a LOT worse. In my day, they were all by Disney.
Although I still miss
Fighting Prince of Donegal.
I watched Dune four times over one weekend.
Just watching it once
like watching it four times over a weekend. Perhaps longer.
The book? A lifetime.
See, Wolfram, there could have been kids movies about anything else, and STILL all we'd have seen was SciFi. My dad's a SciFi buff, had a sub to Analog until the early 90s, and back issues floating all over the house. (When I was 12, I went on a binge and read about a decade and a half's worth of them in a week or two.) TV meant Star Wars reruns, Blake's 7, or Dr Who. There was no escaping it.
(My mother's mainly a non-fiction reader, which means most of my early fiction reading? Also Sci-fi. I think I hit the RAH stack at about 10/11.)
I imagine that the psychological effect Dune has on me is what ADD must be like.
Loved the books, though. When I was a freshman in high school, my mom's boyfriend gave me a bunch of books for my birthday that I probably wouldn't have found for ages otherwise: Dune, Zelazny, and Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. Good times.
I'm the only scifi fan in my immediate family. Which supports my theory that as a baby I was beamed through a wormhole from an alternate universe.
Going back to a much earlier question...
When is this mystery new show to air?
It looks like it will be March-ish.
My view of the season half-way point is now skewed all to hell with new shows starting in January. Is this going to be a "mid-season replacement?"
Is there an Attention Surplus Disorder?
I could have used one to finish Dune.