Maybe he'll kill off Facinelli in the teaser.
Maybe he'll ascend.
I had my eyebrows done tonight. I am sad. She arched them. Thin. I clearly said I like them thick. I have a BIG FAT ROUND HEAD LIKE SANTA CLAUS. Thin eyebrows accentuate my big fat head. I look like a moron. I will not cry. I will not cry.
Oh, Allyson. I'm sorry. That totally sucks.
And I like your head, for the record. And on the plus side, eyebrows grow back much quicker than the hair on the top of your head, and you can disguise it a bit with makeup. It will eventually be okay, even though it totally sucks.
Shall I ask around and see if I can get this lady blacklisted? In view of the thread, it could be all AYNOHYEB a bad eyebrow shaper?
The brows are fabulous. On someone else's face, I'm sre they'd be perfect. Blargh.
The brows are fabulous. On someone else's face, I'm sre they'd be perfect. Blargh.
But eyebrow shaping is one hundred percent about the face that they're on. Seriously. It's a proportion thing. I had a test.
The aesthetician was a makeup artist for some modeling agency in New York. My eyebrows are magazine eyebrows, but not mine. They're very cookiecutter. I know they'll grow fast, but there's really very little to even pencil in.
Allyson, my mom's eyebrows just this week completely fell out after five weeks of chemo. She was very upset--definitely insult to injury after the hair went. Hearing about it helped me get some perspective today when I wanted to never ever leave my house again because of the GIANT zit on my chin.
Hearing about it helped me get some perspective today when I wanted to never ever leave my house again because of the GIANT zit on my chin.
I was trying to figure out how much I need to save for an eyelift and chemical peel.
Perspective is a helpful thing.
Allyson, my mom's eyebrows just this week completely fell out after five weeks of chemo.
Oh, yeah, the eyebrows and eyelashes were the worst part, and they don't fall out for everyone, so you keep being hopeful right up until you realize that they're all gone. On the other hand, I got better at drawing in eyebrows than I ever thought I could as a makeup-impaired person.
It won't really be a Jump Street retread without a Depp cameo.
Grieco, baby. Gotta have Grieco. Although Depp is just wacky enough to do a cameo. Maybe as an evil teacher? heh.
Eww. Please, easy on the Grieco.